Select a Workbook to schedule

3] (Optional) If parameters are required for the worksheets, use the
 “Schedule Wizard: Parameter Values dialog” page(s) to enter required parameter 

Give parameters for scheduled workbook

4] Use the “Schedule Wizard: Schedule dialog” page to specify when the scheduled 
workbook results are produced and how frequently they are produced.

Scheduling a Workbook

5] Click Finish to create the scheduled workbook.
You can also schedule workbooks via Scheduling Manager.
Go to File > Manage Workbooks > Scheduling Manager

Scheduling Manager

You can also do the below actions via Scheduling Manager:
  • Edit a scheduled workbook 
  • Delete scheduled workbook results 
  • Unscheduled a workbook 
How to view scheduled workbook results? 

Scheduled workbook results can be viewed in Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Viewer. 
When you connect to Discoverer, you are alerted when scheduled workbook results
 have been processed
 and are ready to open. 

How Discoverer process your scheduled workbooks? 

Discoverer processes scheduled workbooks as follows:
When workbooks are scheduled, the workbook processing is done automatically in the database.
You do not need to have Discoverer Plus running or connected to process scheduled workbooks.
Scheduled workbook results are saved in the database and are available when you start Discoverer.
