Register Custom Table
Also you can verify from below backend tables:
Step 7: Run APPS_DDL and APPS_ARRAY_DDL packages against your custom schema:

After creating and registering your objects and schema, you need to run the APPS_DDL and APPS_ARRAY_DDL packages against your user/schema. You must run the scripts from the $AD_TOP/admin/sql directory in the order noted below. Please remember that you must run these scripts from the “APPS” user/schema account. 

1. adaddls.pls
2. adaaddls.pls
3. adaddlb.pls
4. adaaddlb.pls 
General Syntax Form:

SQL> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adaddls.pls
SQL> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adaaddls.pls
SQL> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adaddlb.pls
SQL> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adaaddlb.pls

You can run the following to validate whether these two packages exist under your custom
schema or not: 

select object_name, object_type, status
from dba_objects
where object_name in (‘APPS_DDL’,’APPS_ARRAY_DDL’)
and owner = ‘CUSTOM_SCHEMA’;
Step 8: Create a custom request group:

You need to create a custom request group that will hold your custom and/or standard
 requests within a custom responsibility. You can do this by logging into Oracle Applications
 as System Administrator and navigate:

Security –> Responsibility –> Request.

Step 9: Create a custom responsibility:

After creating your custom request group, you need to create a custom responsibility for 
your custom user/schema. You can do this by logging into Oracle Applications as System Administrator and navigate:
Security –> Responsibility –> Define

You have now completed the steps on how to create and register a customer schema in 
the Oracle Applications. The next section discusses how you can create the alert in Oracle 

Step 10: Create the Event Alert:

You log into the Oracle Applications, choose the Alert Manager Responsibility and then 

Alert –>Define

You can create a new alert as follows:

1] You enter the appropriate general information for your alert:
  • Application = XXCUST Receivables 
  • Name = xxcust_event_alert 
  • Description = My event alert test 
  • Type = Event    
2] You enter the Event Alert Details section for your alert and then check 
the “After Insert” and “After Update” boxes:
  • Application = XXCUST Receivables 
  • Table = TXN_ACK_LOG
 3] You enter the select statement.

 4] You can now click on the Action Button and create the detail action for your event alert,
 by the following steps:

a. You can set the general action parameters:
  • Action Name = xxcust_event_action 
  • Action Description = xxcust event detail action 
  • Action Level = Detail b. You can click on action details: 
At this point, you can choose an action type, like a message and complete the message detail.

NOTE: The article assumes that the integration between Oracle Applications and an 
operating system mail server is already configured correctly.

5] You can navigate back to the main Alert Definition form, and click on the Action Set 
button, which will allow you to enter a new action set. Below is a basic example consistent
the example code in this entry.
  • Seq = 1 
  • Action Set Name = xxcust_event_actionset 
 Then, you need to check the “Enabled” check
 box so that your event alert is enabled to run. You should set members as follows:

Seq = 1
Action = xxcust_event_action
Type = Action: Message
Seq = 2
Action = Exit Action Set Successfully
Type = Exit from Action Set successfully 

 For detail information on how to create Event Alert please go through the
 Oracle Alert User’s Guide.