Friday, October 31, 2014

Search for Oracle Applications related Documents on Google

How to Make a Search for Oracle Applications related Documents on Google

Hello pals, i would like to share with you people how to make an effective search on google to find or download the documents needed.Though this article has been googled :P by me. I am sharing here for you people.

1) The following Article shows how to download oracle apps related PPT or PDF documents in Google.
open google site and in Search box type the following string

"oracle applications framework" filetype:ppt
(shows only PPT files)
"oracle applications framework" filetype:pdf
(show only pdf files)
"oracle applications framework" filetype:doc
(shows only doc files)

you can find the sites containing ppt,pdf and doc file.

2) Type in searh box "sparsh site:"
You will get the pages only from site where the word 'Sparsh' is referred.

3)Type in search Box ""
you can find useful websites related to oracle.

4) Open
you can make search only in Blogs.

you can search any public source code

6)Type in search box intitle:"index.of"(mp3|mp4|avi|dat|mpeg) oracle apps
you can find oracle apps related avi ,mp3 and demo video and audio files.

7)Type in seach box XML
You can find all sites containing the word XML located within the * domain.

8)Type in seach box intitle:XML OAF BPEL find all sites with the word XML,OAF and BPEL in the title.
It is Equivalent to intitle:OAF intitle:XML intitle:BPEL

9)Type in seach box inurl: BPEL SOA
You can find all sites containing the word BPEL and SOA.

10)Type in seach box
This will return all the documents containing one or more links to


Sunday, October 12, 2014

ORA-24323: Value not Allowed error

I have faced this error while working on Oracle Reports Builder,trying to modify a query in the data model.

The Reasons may be :

1. A mandatory value received incorrect or null data.
2. You are not connected to the database in report builder.

This happens when we are connected to database and for some reason the connection is lost/dropped/disconnected.To overcome this error, completely close report builder and reopen it,else try going to
File -> Connect -> Give the UserName, Password, Database and connect.


ORA-01400 Oracle Error FDPSTP failed due to ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL

I have come across this error when working with the Item Master Interface,where the UOM_CODE was not passing in the procedure for validation.

When you encounter an ORA-01400 error, the following error message will appear:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCHEMA"."TABLE_NAME"."COLUMN_NAME")

This is caused when you try to insert a NULL value into a column that does not accept NULL values.

SOLUTION  to resolve this Oracle error is:

1) To Correct your INSERT statement so that you do not insert a NULL value into a column that is defined as NOT NULL.

For example, if you had a table called suppliers defined as follows:

CREATE TABLE suppliers
( supplier_id number not null,
supplier_name varchar2(50) not null );

And you tried to execute the following INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO suppliers
( supplier_id )
( 10567 );

You have defined the supplier_name column as a NOT NULL field. Yet, you have attempted to insert a NULL value into this field. Provide the value for this field and try.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Periodic Alert to send an email when the concurrent programs error out.

I have come across a requirement where my client wants to know the Concurrent Program details which are error-ed out to his email and below is the process i have followed.

SELECT   request_id, fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name program_name,
         DECODE (fcr.phase_code, 'C', 'Completed') phase,
         DECODE (fcr.status_code, 'E', 'Error') status,
         TO_CHAR (actual_start_date, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:mi:SS') act_start
    INTO &req_id, &prg_name,
    FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt
   WHERE 1 = 1
     AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name IN
            ('Specify the specific Concurrent Program Name which you want to monitor')
     AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id
     AND fcpt.LANGUAGE = 'US'
     AND fcr.status_code = 'E'
GROUP BY request_id,

Open the Application and Navigate to Alert Manager Responsibility
Alert -> Define

1)Enter all the Mandatory(Yellow in colour) fields here.
2)Select the type of alert you need according to the Requirement(Here i have taken Periodic Alert
with frequency Every N Calendar Days).
3)Give the start time and end time.
4)Give the select statement.
5)Click on verify which will parse the SQL you entered.
6)Click on RUN and it will show how many rows are returned by your select statement(depends on requirement).
7)Save the form(CTRL+S).
8)Click on actions button which will open a window as shown below.

Give the Action Name,description and the level of Action.
Next, Click on Action Details.

Select the Action Type as Message and give the email address in TO,CC  and BCC and also Specific subject to the mail which will be delivered.

In Text write the content you need to display in the email body.
Here,I was specific about the Concurrent program name, request id, phase and status of the concurrent program.

Close the form after saving it.

Click on Action Sets Button.

Fill the details as shown.
Enable the Suppress Duplicates to remove the duplicates fetched by the query to return in email.

Click on Action Set Details Button to open a form as shown below.

1)Enter the Action Name you earlier entered in the Actions form.
2)Select Exit Action Set Successfully to exit the action set after the process.
3)Save and close the form and in the Alerts form Click on Alert Details Button.

Give the Oracle ID and Operating Unit in the installations TAB.
Save the From and close.

And you are Done.!!
